Bamies Me Patates / Okra with Potatoes

2 lbs. Okra, cleaned
1 bay leaf
2 lbs. potatoes, pared and cut into large chunks
salt and pepper
3 onions, chopped
1 cup olive oil
6 cloves garlic, chopped
1 1/2 liter water
2 cups chopped tomatoes

Wash the Okra, sprinkle with salt and vinegar and toss.
After a few minutes, rinse them well and spread
on a tray to air dry.Pour oil into a large pot, add onions and fry until translucent
Add tomatoes, salt, pepper, and garlic and simmer
together for 5 minutes, stirring occasionally.
Add the Okra and potatoes, and enough water
to cover. Bring the mixture to a boil, reduce heat
and simmer for another 45 minutes.