Xorta - Boiled Green Leafy Vegetables

1 1/2 pounds of spinach or your choice of dark leafy greens:
dandelion greens
mustard greens
beet greens
palmer amaranth (Greek vlita)
wild spinach
broccoli rabe (raab, rapini)
sea salt
freshly ground pepper
extra virgin olive oil
2 lemons

Wash the greens carefully, discarding thick stems and damaged leaves. In a large pot, bring 1-2 inches of salted water to a boil, and add the greens. Boil for 4-15 minutes until softened and dark green, tasting to check for doneness (time depends on the greens used).

Remove , squeezing out the water and drain in a colander.
Greens are served warm or at room temperature. Add olive oil and lemon juice to taste.

Mix oil and lemon with 6 1/2 tablespoons of olive oil, 2 1/2 tablespoons of lemon juice, salt, and pepper, and toss with the greens.